Closed-ended questions


Sample dialogue using closed-ended questioning to probe for a hidden problem:

If a child is not cooperating and you feel you know why the child is misbehaving you might want to ask a series of questions.

Do you know why your are (texting or other description or name the misbehavior) instead of helping your group?

Student answers, "no", then ask.

Is it okay if I guess and you can tell me if I'm right or wrong?

Using the four maladaptive behaviors to guide your questioning:

  1. Could it be the group isn't listening to your ideas? (Attention)
  2. Could it be you want the group to do what you suggested? (Power)
  3. Could it be you don't want to help because the group didn't treat you very well? (Revenge)
  4. Could it be you feel the group isn't satisfied with the way you would do it, so you do not want to do it? (Inadequacy)

For more information see maladaptive behaviors.

Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes