Literature Activities - 175

Each activity can be considered individual or group.


  1. Read a story, poem, or book to a group.
  2. Make a scrap book.
  3. Make a web page.
  4. Collect articles about a subject or topic.
  5. Report on a subject or topic.
  6. Make a book report. Write it or record it.
  7. Draw a series of pictures to explain a book or story.
  8. Make a magazine summary. Oral, written, or taped.
  9. Make a bulletin board.
  10. Make a mobile.
  11. Illustrate a story.
  12. Chart a story or subject.
  13. Invent a game.
  14. Web a story or topic.
  15. Slide show or transparency presentation.
  16. Demonstration or mini-lesson.
  17. Skit or play.
  18. Act out a story or poem.
  19. Lead a discussion.
  20. Have a debate.
  21. Make a diorama.
  22. Outline a book or article.
  23. Watch a filmstrip and write a summary, make an outline, a report, or web.
  24. Make a model of a setting or something from the literature.
  25. Make a turn box show.
  26. Write a story or fable.
  27. Make a crossword puzzle.
  28. Listen to a tape.
  29. Draw? a picture of your favorite character.
  30. Dress as your favorite character and tell about the story, character, or author or read some of the character's best quotes.
  31. Tell about the most exciting part of a story, book, or video.
  32. Tell the whole story in a few words.
  33. Tell the beginning of a book or story to interest others to read it.
  34. Read or write an interesting excerpt from a book or story.
  35. Find out something about the author.
  36. Teach others interesting words you have discovered in the book or make a game from them.
  37. Before reading a book or story write a story according to what you think will happen because of the title, then read the book, and compare when you're finished.
  38. Write or record a make believe interview between you and the author, character, characters...
  39. Write or record an interview with a friend about a book...
  40. Write a different ending for a book. Explain why yours is better.
  41. Write another episode, chapter, or sequel.
  42. Write to the author.
  43. Write a story to verse.
  44. Read a biography about the author and then write a story about what it would be like to visit with him or her or...
  45. Write a weekly column on books.
  46. Arrange a book or story as a TV program.
  47. Start a TOP TEN book list.
  48. Pretend you are a reporter reporting on radio or TV and report on a book or story.
  49. Choose a scene from the story and act it out.
  50. Make a hand roll movie of your story.
  51. Pretend to be a book and tell what is inside your covers.
  52. Poster to encourage reading.
  53. Poster to advertise your book.
  54. Make videotape, movie, filmstrip, or transparencies of your story.
  55. Make a list of unusual words in your book.
  56. Write advertisement blurbs for your book.
  57. Write a telegram.
  58. Write riddles to play a guessing game based on your book.
  59. Make a puppet show.
  60. Dramatize your book.
  61. Do a dramatic reading.
  62. Do dramatic reading while others pantomime.
  63. Make a radio broadcast based on your book.
  64. Pretend to be the author and tell why you wrote the book.
  65. Find others that have read the same book and have a panel discussion.
  66. Make a comic strip of your book.
  67. Tell humorous incidents in your book.
  68. Play charades to guess the title of books.
  69. Write a poem about your book.
  70. Write a poem about part of your book.
  71. Make a woodcut depicting a scene in the story.
  72. Make a game board from a book. Use the setting, characters...
  73. Write a haiku poem using setting, characters...
  74. Find examples of personification, similes, metaphors..
  75. Tell the story using flannel board...
  76. Write a letter to one of the characters in the book.
  77. Rewrite a story using antonyms.
  78. Write a song about a book or story using a known melody.
  79. Take a field trip related to a book or story.
  80. Invite the author to visit your school.
  81. Form a picket line with signs informing about the book.
  82. Find other books that have the same topic.
  83. Make a float to represent part of the story.
  84. Tape part of a book.
  85. Make a game to match the main idea of several stories with the titles.
  86. Pretend to publish a book.
  87. Write a story using characters from a story.
  88. Compare characters from different stories.
  89. Play "Hollywood Squares" "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" using questions from books or stories.
  90. Illustrate a book review.
  91. Make a book jacket
  92. Make a mural
  93. Create a dance
  94. Draw a map to show the characters travels.
  95. Draw a life-size figure of a character.
  96. Make a bookmark using a something from a story.
  97. Make s diary of experiences.
  98. Make a quiz show.
  99. Have a treasure hunt looking for the treasure in a book or story.
  100. Make a puzzle from a book jacket or illustration of a book or story.
  101. Stage a meeting of the minds between two characters or authors.
  102. Write a letter to the librarian to convince him to purchase a book.
  103. Rewrite a story or book using a different setting.
  104. Make a crossword puzzle using book terms, characters...
  105. Make a time line of a story.
  106. Make a sandwich sign advertising a book or story.
  107. Make a code and code information about a story or book.
  108. Make a recipe of a book or for a character in a book.
  109. Play Concentration matching characters from a book to the title.
  110. Play Concentration matching characters from a book to authors.
  111. Make a collage from pictures of the stories written by an author.
  112. Make an interest center for a book.
  113. Have a conference with the teacher about a book.
  114. Make clay figures of characters.
  115. Make a sculpture of a character.
  116. Use a scene from a book to write a story and change the setting to 200 years ago.
  117. Write a newspaper article covering the same events that were in your book or story.
  118. Make a soap sculpture of something from your story.
  119. Make a poster titled "One of My Favorite Books ..."
  120. Make a list of happy words found in your book.
  121. Make a list of ___ words found in your book.
  122. Make a notebook of descriptive words.
  123. Make a thesaurus of words found in books or stories you read.
  124. If your main character could have one wish what would it be?
  125. Select a problem from your book and write a Dear Abby! Column.
  126. Make a travel poster advertising travel in your book.
  127. Research the author.
  128. Make a peep-box scene from your book.
  129. Interview a character in your book.
  130. Create a dance to tell the story.
  131. Write a diary as if you were the main character.
  132. Describe some of the major conflicts in the book. What words were used?
  133. Make a book wheel for the story.
  134. Describe the culture in the book.
  135. Write about what you admire about the main character.
  136. Write about what you don't admire about the villain of the story.
  137. How do the characters in the book compare to every day real people.
  138. Do a chalk talk of the story.
  139. Make a carrousel of the story.
  140. Dress dolls as characters in the book and tell or act out the story.
  141. Make a puppet from the story and interview the puppet.
  142. Make a table display about the book.
  143. Do a "This is Your Life!" skit for a biography.
  144. Read a do-it-yourself book and give a demonstration.
  145. Have a "come as your favorite character" party.
  146. Produce a readers' theater (r. t. production notes).
  147. Decorate a classroom like a book jacket.
  148. Make a felt or burlap wall hanging of a book scene.
  149. Construct a table top-village or book scene.
  150. Create a tissue paper stained glass window of book scene or characters.
  151. Embroider a scene or character from a book.
  152. Make a book quilt.
  153. Decorate a box or wastebasket with a storybook scene.
  154. Conduct a used book exchange or auction.
  155. Collect magazine pictures for your favorite poems.
  156. Make a poem book.
  157. Illustrate your favorite poems.
  158. Rewrite an old story as a modern story.
  159. Make a frieze to illustrate a narrative poem.
  160. Plan a cooking activity around a book.
  161. Create an alphabet book with each? letter representing a book character.
  162. Compile a scrapbook about an author, poet, illustrator.
  163. Make a comic book to depict a story. Comic Life software is fun to use,
  164. Arrange a display of artifacts for a book.
  165. Construct a flip-book for a story.
  166. Take a survey of favorite books and advertise the results to encourage reading of the most favorite.
  167. Give a lecture on the art in Caldecott Award Winning Books.
  168. Find different copies of the same book, even some written in different languages and make a display or...
  169. Prepare a book of the week display.
  170. Make a finger play for a story.
  171. Make a twenty-question game for characters of stories or books.
  172. Make a story or book web.
  173. Read several books by the same illustrator and do an art project in the illustrator's style.
  174. Join a list on the Internet to discuss literature.
  175. Create a pod cast.ß


Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes
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