Scoring Guide or Rubric for Problem Solving

For information on assessment and how these were created.

Problem solving scoring quide: outlined in a narrative format

  1. Beginning - Try to solve problems from memory. Believe solutions are known and need to be recalled or they just pop into your mind.
  2. Progressing - Try to solve problems from memory, but if unable to recall a procedure and strategy will seek to understand the problem and try to discover them to use to solve the problem by random search for a solution.
  3. Proficient - Try to solve the problem from memory, but if unable will implement a hueristic or procedure that includes steps to understand the problem, restate it in their own words, seek strategies, choose and implement a strategy, and check its accuracy.
  4. Advanced - Try to solve the problem from memory, but if unable will implement a hueristic or procedure in a systematic manner that includes steps to understand the problem, restate it in their own words, seek strategies, choose and implement a strategy, check its accuracy by trying alternative stratgies to achieve equal results, and reflects on the process while solving and after.

Notice the results above are in an outline form with a narrative for each level that combines several categories within each level. Below is the same information in a table format.

Next lets see what a scoring guide will look like if the subcategories are separated.

Problem solving scoring quide: in a table with a narrative format

  Beginning Progressing Proficient Advanced
Indicator Try to solve problems from memory. Believe solutions are known and need to be recalled or they just pop into your mind. Try to solve problems from memory, but if unable to recall a procedure and strategy will seek to understand the problem and try to discover them to use to solve the problem by random search for a solution. Try to solve the problem from memory, but if unable will implement a hueristic or procedure that includes steps to understand the problem, restate it in their own words, seek strategies, choose and implement a strategy, and check its accuracy. Try to solve the problem from memory, but if unable will implement a hueristic or procedure in a systematic manner that includes steps to understand the problem, restate it in their own words, seek strategies, choose and implement a strategy, check its accuracy by trying alternative stratgies to achieve equal results, and reflects on the process while solving and after to improve on their problem solving abilities.


Problem solving scoring quide: outlined in a narrative format

Indicator Beginning Progressing Proficient Advanced
Reflects Try to solve problems from memory. Try to solve problems from memory and thanks about the steps taken and how to implement them and make decisions as they solve the problem. Try to solve problems from memory and thinks about the process while solving Try to solve problems from memory and reflects on the process while solving and after to improve on their problem solving abilities.
Hueristic, procedure No set plan. Aware that a series of steps can be followed to solve problems. Know a comprehensive hueristic and use it in a flexible and accurate way to solve problems. Know a comprehensive hueristic and use it in a systematic, flexible, efficient, and accurate way to solve problems.
Implement a strategy Occasionally selects an appropriate strategy. Aware of different strategies and attempts to implement one. Aware of different strategies and use one or two to solve most problems. Aware of multiple strategies and implemnts them to check their accuracy and marvel over how different strategies can achieve verification and confidence in solutions.
Checks or finds multiple solutions If achieves a solution does with difficulty and satisfied with success. Solves the problem singularly and listens when other solutions are presented. Solves the problem in multiple ways that are similar or inverse operations, listens when other solutions are presented. Generates multiple ways ways to solve the problem with some being unusual and not often selected as solutitons, listens when other solutions are presented and offers suggestions for improvement.
Communicate May be able to summarize a few highlights when asked. Communicates results orally and in writing. Communicates how results were achieved orally and in writing with information for the hueristic, strategies, and multiple solutions to verify them. Communicates how results were achieved orally and in writing with information for the hueristic, strategies, multiple solutions to verify them, and how metacognition is helpful for problem solving and excited about improving their problem solving with metacognition.


Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes