Number Facts

Historical number facts


Numeral words:

zero eleven ten thousand
one twelve twenty million
two thirteen thirty billion
three fourteen forty trillion
four fifteen fifty quadrillion
five sixteen sixty quintillion
six seventeen seventy sextillion
seven eighteen eighty septillion
eight nineteen ninety octillion
nine hundred nonillion


Written Numerals:

6 six
72 seventy - two
45 forty - five
107 one hundred seven
1,006 one thousand, six
1,326 one thousand, three hundred twenty - six
1,165.14 one thousand, one hundred sixty - five and fourteen hundredths
5,426,384 five million,
four hundred twenty - six hundred thousand,
three hundred eighty - four
34.81 thirty - four and eighty - one hundredths
$9.67 nine dollars and sixty - seven cents
8.19 eight and nineteen hundredths
74.11/32 seventy - four and eleven thirty - seconds
100.2 one hundred and two tents
104.005 one hundred four and five thousandths


Dr. Robert Sweetland's notes
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