Multiple Intelligences Gone Wild

Eight maybe Nine Kinds of Learning Styles: examples or are they?

Learning Style
by Gardner's categories


Activities do they match and would they encourage or motivate learning or would students think they are boring or insulting?


in words

Have students write sentences for multiplication facts.

Example: Sally six ate seven limes and had a stomach ache for forty-two days.


by reasoning

Have students construct a concrete representation for a concept or process in mathematics.

Have students write a song about a concept or process in mathematics.

Example: Have students construct multiplication bean papers. For example write 3X4 = 12 on the board and explain that multiplication is simply repeated addition. Have them put three large circles on with four bean's in each circle. Then count the bean's and write 3 X 4 = 12. Glue the beans to the paper...

Example: musical or mathematical? song link - Mathematical Pi by Antoni "Ton" Chan


in images and pictures

Have students pick a fact or two that they are having trouble with and draw a picture.

if a student is having trouble with with 7 X 8 the picture might have a girl with a Tee shirt with the number 7 on it standing in front of apartment 8 delivering a birthday cake with the number 56 on it to her grandmother who is having her 56 birthday today.


through body sensations

Have students act out a problem, concept, process, ...

Example: For four times five have the student repeat four and jump four times then say times five and finish by jumping to a total of 20 times.

Example: Student writes a story and then creates a tableau (frozen stage setting with students as characters). Freeze or pose to act out a scene while another student reads a caption. [What how do you freeze or pose to act out?] Also suggests to have students discuss the skills to be a good freezer.

Example: Multiplication baseball. Put the multiplication facts on cards with easier facts singles, harder doubles, and so one. Divide the class into... Then play ball.


via rhythms and melodies

Have the students write a song about a concept, process, or generalization related to science or mathematics.

Example: Is this musical iintelligence or science? Song link - Sounds of Friction by Antoni "Ton" Chan

Example: Write a multiplication rap for the multiplication tables.

Example: Buy a tape with the multiplication facts to music and play them everyday to help students learn them more easily.


by communication with people, leading, negotiating

Have students help each other.

Example: Students with strong interpersonal skills can help the other students learn the multiplication tables individually.


internal, feelings, communication with themselves, intuitive, original

Let them figure out how to do it themselves. They know best.

Example:These students are good at finding ways of learning the multiplication tables on their own and at get frustrated at the business of group activities. [If they know how to learn it best, then why bother coming to school?]


understands the natural world, distinguishes objects and characteristics in the natural world: flora, fauna, animals, rocks, earth, environment and their interrelationships.


understands a nature of existence, who are we, why we die, how we got here