Energy Transfer

List examples of the following:

Plant consumers
Animal consumers

How will the number of organisms in the first column compare to the number in the second?

The Third?

The first to the third?


Use information collected from observations of a terrarium sytem, acquarium system, or other...


How many plant consumers were eaten on the average?

What was the plant consumer’s food?

From earlier experiment, what was the average number of seeds that the plant consumers consumed?

What was the plant’s food?

Did the animal consumers use the plants for their food?

How many seeds or plant parts does it take to feed the animal consumer for 4 days?

Conclusions: (Use these vocabulary words in your conclusion:  animal consumer, plant consumer, and plant.)




Make an energy chain for the three organisms.

Make an energy triangle.



Draw arrows to show the direction of the energy transfer.

Give an example of a food chain that has each of the following:

Plant, Plant consumer, and Animal consumer


In the following food chain:

seed ---- > cricket ---- > salamander

What would happen if the crickets were removed from the chain?

What would happen, in the same chain, if there were twice as many salamanders?

How many seeds does it take to feed a salamander for a year?

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©