Mathematics and Science Coordination K - 5

State Standard
Coordination with Mathematics
Science requires the use of mathematics in the collection and treatment of data and in the reasoning used to develop concepts, laws, and theories. The mathematics that students should understand and use in the study of science are listed below.

State Indicator Fact, Concept, Generalization Winnebago Indicator Activitiy Evaluation Levels

Kindergarten - First Grade

  1. Measure, collect, and organize data.
  2. Recognize and describe patterns.
  3. Develop skills of estimation and judgment.
  • I can learn about the world around me by asking questions, making careful observations, and trying things.
  • It's okay for people to have different ideas.

Second - Fourth Grade

1.     Measure, collect, and organize data.

2.     Recognize and describe patterns.

3.     Develop skills of estimation and judgment.

4.     Explore chance.

5.     Use variables to express relationships.

  • It's fun to share what you know with other people.
  • I can remember and understand better if I record information by writing, drawing, or using technology to record information.
  • I learn from others when I keep an open mind and listen to others ideas.
  • Experiments that do not turn out the way that was predicted can still provide useful information.
  • Investigation is an adventure that has been enjoyed by people everywhere and for all time.
  • Different explanations can be given for the same information and you can't tell which is correct.
  • Finding out what the biggest and smallest possible value of something is often as revealing as knowing the average value.
  • Numerical data can be useful in describing and comparing objects and events.
  • Properties and change of properties can be quantified.
  • Numerical data can be used to describe and compare objects and events to the creator and other people.

Fifth - Eighth Grade

1.     Represent situations verbally, numerically, graphically, geometrically, or symbolically.
2.     Use estimations.
3.     Identify and use functional relationships.
4.     Develop and use tables, graphs, and rules to describe situations.
5.     Use statistical methods to describe, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions.
6.     Use geometry in solving problems.
7.     Create experimental and theoretical models of situations involving probabilities.

  • Properties and change of properties can be quantified.
  • Numerical data can be used to describe and compare objects and events to the creator and other people.

Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©