Science Order K-5

State Standard
Order­Order is the behavior of units of matter, objects, organisms, or events in the universe. The goal is to help students develop knowledge about factors influencing objects, organisms, systems, or events.
State Indicator Fact, Concept, Generalization Winnebago Indicator Activity Evaluation Levels

Sort objects by their characteristics.

  • Objects can be ordered by their properties
First Sort objects by their characteristics.        
Second Sort objects by their characteristics.        
Third Sort objects by their characteristics.
  • Objects can be classified as either natural or of human design
Fourth Sort objects by their characteristics.        
Fifth Sort objects by their characteristics.
  • It is easier to predict how many of a group will experience something than exactly which members will experience it.
  • Events in nature often have probabilities which can be measured.
  • Probability is the relative certainty or uncertainty that people assign to events happening or not happening in a certain place or time.
  • Summary predictions are usually more accurate for large collections of events than for just a few.
  • Extremely unlikely events may occur fairly often in very large populations.
  • There is a danger in choosing only the data that is expected by the person doing the choosing.


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