Model Rubric




Understands that a model is not the real object. However, when asked how it is like the real thing they will answer that it isn't. (e.g. how is a this (toy) car like a real car? The student will give several answers, but when asked if it could be used to understand how a real car is, they will say not, it’s just a toy.)

Use a model (physical object, drawing, metaphor, or analogy) to explain observations similar to properties or characteristics of the real object and couse and effect of interactions between objects.

Can use a model to show comparisons to the real object. Recognizes that a model could be made with a few similarities and increases in similarities would eventually change the model to the object or event represented by the model.

Models can be created to illustrate cause and effect so they can be used to make predictions and hypothesis.

Actively seeks, creates, and modifies models for the purpose to illustrate cause and effect to communicate explanations and to make predictions and hypothesis.

Outcome: Create a model and describe how observational evidence supports the use of the model as a reasonable explanation for what the model is intended.

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