Conflict and Me
Conflict Situation |
What I usually do |
How I feel |
When someone calls my mother a name... |
When someone blames me for something I didnt do... |
When someone pushes me or hits me for no reason... |
When someone steals my pencil or money... |
When someone puts me down or makes fun of me... |
When someone tells me to do something I dont want to do... |
When someone talks behind my back and says things that are lies... |
Circle the statements you agree with below:
As long as there are people, there will be conflicts.
A conflict can be as small as an argument or as large as a war.
In a conflict, there will always be a winner and a loser.
Conflicts between individuals or nations can sometimes be resolved in ways other than violence and war.
When I get angry I ...
(I am or I am not) satisfied with the way I now solve conflicts.
(I would or would not) like to learn ways to solve conflicts.