Planning Steps for Independent Project

Directions: Write for approximately five minutes for each of the questions below. Communicate the finished product to your instructor.

  1. List, web, or free write your thoughts about what are you interested in?
  2. List, web, or free write your thoughts about what you know? (About what you are interested in)
  3. What more would you like to know? (About what you are interested in)
  4. What do you want to do with what you know?
  5. Who will it benefit?
  6. Who will be the recipients of this product or benefactors?
  7. What goals do you share in common with those people?
  8. What road blocks are there in the creation of the product or the realization of its benefits?
  9. What do you need to do to accomplish your goal?
  10. Complete the following sentence using your topic to make a simile.

Your topic here is like put a word or phrase here to finish the analogy.

-------------------->>>> See sample

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