Science Change K-5

State Standard Category
­Change denotes making something different. Changes in systems vary in rate, scale, and pattern, including trends and cycles. The goal is for students to identify and measure changes in properties of materials, positions of objects, motion, and form and function of systems.

State Indicator Fact, Concept, Generalization Winnebago Indicator Acitivity Evaluation Levels
kindergarten Observe and measure change.
Describe how things change in some ways and stay the same in others.
  • Objects can change and stay the same.
  • Objects can be compared to other objects.
first Observe and measure change.
Describe how things change in some ways and stay the same in others.
  • Change causes differences.
  • People can keep track of change by noticing before and after.
  • Objects can change in different ways (size, shape, weight, color, and position)
  • Properties of matter change.
second Describe observable changes (e.g., speed, pattern, shape, position, and size).
  • Some changes are so slow or fast that they are hard to observe.
  • Things in nature and things people make have different properties (sizes, weights, speed, and ages).
  • Properties of matter change.
  • Change causes differences (size, weight, color, and movement).
  • Objects, properties, and events stay the same or happen in similar ways.
  • Objects can change in different ways (size, shape, weight, color, and movement).
  • Measurement is a way of detecting change.
  • People can keep track of change by noticing before, during, and after.
third Describe observable changes (e.g., speed, pattern, shape, position, and size).
  • Some predictions can be made based on what is known about the past, assuming that conditions are pretty much the same now.
  • Properties of matter can be measured using tools such as rulers, balances, and thermometers.
  • Almost anything has limits on how big or small it can be.
fourth Describe observable changes (e.g., speed, pattern, shape, position, and size).
  • Almost anything has limits on how big or small it can be.
  • Change varies in rate, scale, and pattern.
  • Some changes occur in patterns when the changes are looked at in different directions, flipped, or reflected.
  • Things change in steady repetitive or irregular ways. Sometimes in more than one way at a time.
  • Drawing pictures, making charts, graphs, or taking measurements helps to see change.
  • Some things may have properties that change and properties that don't change.
  • Properties and change of properties can be quantified.

Investigate and describe changes in terms of scale, rate, and pattern.

Quantify changes in systems (e.g., magnitude, direction, and rate).



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