Science History and Nature of Science K-5

Category State Standard State Indicator Fact, Concept, Generalization Winnebago Indicator Activity Evaluation Levels
History and Nature of Science 1.8  History and Nature of Science
The history and nature of science illustrates different aspects of scientific inquiry, the human aspects of science, and the role that science has played in the development of various cultures.
1.8.1 By the end of first grade, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor.
  • Recognize the contributions to science made by men and women from many places.
  • Conduct an investigation as part of a team.

Men and women have made a variety of contributions throughout the history of science and technology.

Science and technology have been practiced by people for a long time.

second 4.8.1 By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor.
  • Research and report on the contributions to science and technology throughout history by men and women scientists of diverse cultures.
  • Research and report on how science is used in different careers.
  • Research and report on how current scientific discoveries illustrate that science is an ongoing process.

People choose science as a career or hobby.

Give examples of scientific advances throughout history.

Recognize and describe patterns in data


Scientific understanding is continuously changing.


Investigative discoveries can become available to everyone in the world.

Scientists are employed by colleges, universities, businesses, industries, hospitals, and government agencies.

Scientists work in offices, classrooms, laboratories, farms, factories, and in natural settings from space to the ocean floor.

fifth 8.8.1 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor.
  • Investigate and understand that women and men of various social and ethnic backgrounds, working alone or in teams, engage in the activities of science, engineering, and related fields.
  • Investigate and understand that science requires different abilities based on the type of inquiry and relies upon basic human qualities and scientific habits of mind.
  • Explain the need for ethical codes followed by scientists (e.g., humane treatment of animals and truth in reporting).
fifth 8.8.2 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the nature of science.
  • Formulate and test a hypothesis using observations, experiments, and models.
  • Use questioning, response to criticism, and open communication when defending a conclusion.
  • Evaluate the results of scientific investigations, experiments, observations, theoretical models, and the explanations proposed by other scientists.
  • Understand that scientific theories are based on observations, governed by rules of reasoning, and used to predict events.
fifth 8.8.3 By the end of eighth grade, students will develop an understanding of the history of science.
  • Research and describe the difficulties experienced by scientific innovators who had to overcome commonly held beliefs of their times to reach conclusions that we now take for granted.

Many individuals have contributed to the traditions of science.

Science has been practiced by different individuals in different cultures.


Dr. Robert Sweetland's Notes ©